Penguin Pencils

Penguin Pencils

I’m sure I’m not alone in having many fond memories of reading Evelyn Waugh, Graham Greene, and VS Naipaul novels in Penguin paperback editions. The penguin or puffin on the spine of a paperback usually augured well. Finding a Penguin on the shelf of a used bookstore promised a great read for just fifty cents.

In a delightful tribute to a classic version of Penguin’s covers, Art Meets Matter has issued a Penguin-inspired pencil.

Penguin Pencils

Penguin Pencils

The clever packaging and pencil designs convey the design and spirit of the paperbacks.

Penguin Pencils

Penguin Pencils

“Completely Unsharpened”.

2 Replies to “Penguin Pencils”

  1. Good for Penguin. Back in the good old days my bookshelf was almost entirely orange; there was little competition. Penguin is doing some interesting stuff, going back to the old format and republishing some classics. Look at the “Great Ideas” list with books from Plutarch to Orwell, via Freud and Ruskin, all in the original look and reasonably priced

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