The first in a series on the pencils of the Hindustan Pencil Company.
There is something plucky and charming about a woodcase pencil that announces its elite market.
This isn’t just the “Apsara Gold” – it is the “Apsara Gold for executives”!
The black and gold pencil is definitely distinctive and handsome.

The font is very unusual for a pencil, and quite suiting.
Has anyone else read The Painter of Signs? This pencil causes me to recall R. K. Narayan’s vivid portrayal of the craft of a dedicated sign maker in India.
I’d feel like I was caught being uppity if one were found on my desk.
Yes its the same in my part of the world. The “for executives” bit would not go down well. Still, I’m sure its good advertising in many parts of the world, and a very nice pencil too.
In India, people will respond to something that people herein the USA or the UK might find to be “uppity”. Because, people are so obsessed with gaining upward social mobility, they go for stuff marked “for executives only” kind of marketing blurbs.
Ah, well, I was just kidding a bit. I’ve used everything from executive pencils to kids’ pencils. Hey, no wonder no one at work respects me!
Interesting Font. Stephen, email me about the BelBol.
Stephen, are you going to tell us how the pencil writes in comparison with other manufacturers. Thanks
Hi Samy. I’m away from my desk, but my recollection is that the performance didn’t at all match the appearance.
Yes I agree. Apart from the “for executives” moniker, this pencil does not at all perform at a rate that would qualify it for the name. Especially if the Staedtler Mars Lumograph 100 isn’t “for executives.”
Found this pencil in the basement of my garage. I remember back in school I had these Indian pencils. So this pencil is over 30 years old. Draws well, has not deteriorated over the years. I really liked these pencils as a child.