This is the two hundred and fiftieth post at pencil talk.
The news is good. I once worried about running out of pencils to discuss. Don’t worry, that isn’t about to happen anytime soon!
There are also now many readers from around the globe, and I’ve been privileged to exchange notes with a number of excellent people.
Guest posts are still welcome. A few have said they would like to, yet two hundred and forty-nine of these two hundred and fifty posts were written by me. Please contact me if you might be interested in writing or photographing something about a pencil or pencil accessory.
Suggestions are also welcome, via blog comments or email.
To celebrate this small milestone, we’re having a small contest. The contest is for fun, with a small pencil prize. The pencils were kindly sent by the Musgrave and General pencil companies.

The details:
The answer is Ray Bradbury the author of Dandelion Wine, and the character in the novel is named Douglas Spaulding.
Wow, could be almost anyone, but I’m guessing Don DeLillo.
Clare Sudbery?
Unfortunately I don’t know the answer but I’d like to take this opportunity to say: Thank you for 250 exciting pencil posts and keep up the good work!
Gunther, thanks for the greeting.
Congratulations Stephen, Don DeLillo is correct. Please send me your postal address if you would like the prize pencils.
Thanks all for participating!
Hey, that’s great! I only figured it could be DeLillo from the date (Falling Man came out in 2007). Otherwise it really could have been a range of authors.
On behalf of all your Taiwanese readers, congratulations on the 250 posts! I look forward to more — and to the pencils!
Congratulations on the 250 mark, and keep going.
Congrats on the milestone.
I was gonna be mad that I saw this too late to claim the prize, but my guess was Haruki Murkami, so arriving earlier wouldn’t’ve helped.
250? really? Well congratulations – and keep up the good work.
best regards from Denmark
Thank you for the greetings. One upcoming challenge is to better organize the information at the site.
To commemorate your 250, I spent way too much time reviewing all 250 posts. (OK, I only skimmed ’em, and I only glanced at the ones about mechanical pencils.) There was much here that I’d missed the first time around. And it’s *all* still good stuff.
Here’s to 250 more.
Congratulations! on the 250 post!
I appreciate it!
I was so preoccupied with whom might be the pencil loving writer, (a lot of my favorite writers happen to lik pencils btw) that I completely forgot to congratulate you with the 250th post!
Thank you for all the well wishes. The next time we hold a contest, we’ll try and find a question tough enough that it won’t be answered before most readers even see the post!